What Do I Need to Submit Prior to My First Session?

Upon confirmation of a scheduled New Client appointment, the clinician with email appropriate intake paperwork that will include Informed Consent, Practice Policies, Intake Forms, and Credit Card Information. This paperwork is to be filled out prior to the client's first appointment.         

 What Should I Expect During My Session?

 Individual counseling sessions entail a one on one 50 minute session during which the counselor employs various methods of psychotherapeutic techniques including but not limited to cognitive behavioral therapy, solution focused therapy, behavioral therapy, talk based therapy, integrative therapy, contingent upon what conditions the client is experiencing or would like to address. Clients can expect sessions to include an initial intake session(s) which allows the clinician to effectively build a picture of the client's concerns and to work with the client to determine appropriate goals. Subsequent sessions progress at a pace in which the client feels comfortable and the therapist deems appropriate. These sessions will incorporate active listening and reflective questioning designed to lead the client through various ways of mentally and verbally processing their unique situations. True North clinicians are able to incorporate the client's faith and/or belief systems at their request.

 Do you have afterschool appointments available?

Sometimes. Many of our therapists have afterschool/evening appointments available. These session times do get booked quickly so if you know that is the time you need, speak to your therapist about getting scheduled as far out in advance as possible. Also, please know that we DO provide school notes for you to submit to the attendance clerk at your school and missing for a mental health appointment is an excused absence.

Are you seeing clients In-person or Telehealth?

We want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to keep you safe during this delicate time in our homes and society. We care about your physical and mental wellbeing. We offer in-person and telehealth therapy options for all of our clients. If you or your family member are experiencing fever, loss of smell/taste, or have received a positive Covid19 test, please choose to have your therapy be virtual or contact your therapist to reschedule.

How often do I need to come in for counseling?

Individual counseling can be ongoing or scheduled as needed. The majority of our clients schedule their next counseling session at the end of each appointment to ensure a compatible upcoming time and date is secured.

 Will the information shared in counseling be kept confidential?

Information disclosed within a private session will remain secure and protected as per HIPAA confidentiality guidelines.

I think I need medication. Can you prescribe this for me?

Please note as per the state of Texas statutes a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) cannot prescribe, adjust or offer advice in regards to any prescription medication.

Do you take insurance?

We do not currently work directly with any insurance companies and our clients are responsible for payment in full at time of service. We do however provide a receipt after each session (superbill) which you can submit directly to your insurance company for reimbursement if they offer such coverage. We advise our clients to contact their insurance company directly before booking services to see what kind of mental health benefits you are covered for.

How do I choose the right therapist and how do I get in contact with them?

All of our therapists are wonderful. They are personable, skilled, and genuine. Sometimes, however, we “click” best with one person more than another. That is okay! To get more information about each therapist you can visit their bio page. Additionally, our client care coordinator, Diana, is great at helping people find the best fit for them! Lastly, sometimes it boils down to schedule and availability. You can take a look at availability here to learn more! All of our therapists are available to answer questions about your specific needs and can be contacted (best) via email at info@truenorthtw.com.

Will I Be Present During My Minor Child's Counseling Session(s)?

In the beginning, yes! We would like for you to be present for the first session. This will ensure that we clearly understand your counseling goals and that you understand our limits to confidentiality and office policies. We also value that the client (minor) understands that we value working together with his/her family to ensure the greatest success possible. After the first session, your son/daughter may attend sessions individually. There may be times where the therapist would like for you to come in for a consultation; that will be a case-by-case basis.

Do You Evaluate For/ Diagnoses Learning Disorders for Academic/ IEP Plans?

At this time we do not. We are working on offering this service but do not at this time. We are happy to give you referrals for this service. Please contact us at info@truenorthtw.com or check out our resource/referral page.